Book & Memo/DB

Expert MySQL

파에 2007. 5. 27. 06:00

Publisher: Apress
Language: English
ISBN: 1590597419
Paperback: 525 pages


Description: Since the enormous number of new features made available with MySQL release 5.0, MySQL has been gaining steam as a viable alternative to database behemoths like Oracle and IBM DB2. MySQL users now have the ability to extend MySQL with new SQL commands, optimize query execution, and embed MySQL within low-resource environments like embedded devices and kiosks.


Expert MySQL, by Dr. Charles A. Bell, is the first book to examine these opportunities in detail, showing you how to wield maximum control over this powerful open source database. Youll learn how to create your own custom storage handlers, ensuring maximum flexibility and speed within your specialized applications. Youll also gain valuable insight into MySQLs architecture and learn how to tweak its behavior through custom changes to the source code.

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