Book & Memo/Microsoft

Microsoft .NET Compact Framework Kick Start

파에 2007. 6. 10. 06:22


Publisher: Sams; 1st edition
Language: English
ISBN: 0672325705
Paperback: 416 pages

Description: The primary goal of .NET Compact Framework is to bring the familiar experience of developing .NET applications for the desktop to the device world. Of the approximately six million Microsoft desktop developers in the world, it is estimated that perhaps two hundred thousand will turn their attention to the device world using the enabling technology of the .NET Compact Framework.To facilitate the goal of showing readers how to develop applications for the .NET Compact Framework, the book contains in-depth treatment in the following topic areas: Windows Forms and Threading, Network Programming, ADO.NET Dataset, XML Serialization, SQL CE, Web Services, and performance management. Each concept is accompanied with a sample application that illustrates its implementation on the .NET Compact Framework. For the convenience of the reader, each sample application will be offered in both C# and Visual Basic .NET. Developers can use this source code as a springboard for creating their own device side database applications.