
IEInspector HTTP Analyzer

파에 2007. 5. 7. 07:37


HTTP Analyzer is a sniffer and viewer that allows you to monitor and watch HTTP/HTTPS traffic in real-time. It is used by industry-leading companies including Microsoft, Cisco, AOL and Google.


It can trace and display wide range of information, including Header, Content, Cookies, Query Strings, Post data, Request and Response Stream, redirection URLs and more. It has a request builder that enables you to handcraft a HTTP/HTTPS Request. It also provides cache information and session clearing, as well as HTTP status code information and several filtering options. A useful developer tool for performance analysis, debugging and diagnostics.

HTTP Analyzer includes two Editions---Stand-alone Edition and IE Add-on Edition.

Stand-alone Edition : Window stand-alone EXE application. It allows you to capture and view HTTP/HTTPS traffic from a specific process or user/session/system wide. HTTPS is available if the application uses the Microsoft WININET API (ex. ie, outlook) or Mozilla NSS API. (ex. firefox, thunderbird)


IE Add-on Edition( IE HTTP Analyzer) : An IE add-on HTTP Viewer that integrates into the lower part of your IE browser window and can be opened/closed from the IE toolbar. It can only capture and view HTTP/HTTPS traffic of current IE process.

Main Features

* Dedicated to HTTP protocol, view a wide range of HTTP related information, request and response header, content, sent and received cookies, stream, query strings, post form values...
* Request builder, Users can handcraft an HTTP request by using the HTTP Request Builder, or use a drag-and-drop operation to move an existing request from the session grid to the Request Builder to execute it again.
* Automation interface, The HTTP Analyzer automation library is packaged as COM components. both Stand-alone and Add-on can be fully controlled by using OLE Automation. It can be used by most programming languages (e.g. C#, Delphi & JavaScript). New in V2.2
* Hex Viewer allow users to view and edit binary files in hexadecimal and textual format.
* Displays Winsock traffic originating from Java applets and JavaScript embedded in a Web page, displays Winsock traffic originating from ActiveX controls and COM objects instanced by an application (Stand-alone Edition only)
* "Before request and after response" browser cache comparisons

* Support HTTPS, show you unencrypted data sent over HTTPS / SSL connections, HTTPS is available if the application uses the Microsoft WININET API (ex. ie, outlook) or Mozilla NSS API. (ex. firefox, thunderbird)
* Selectively clear caches and cookies which are related with HTTP/HTTPS sessions

